
It was something I needed to do.  After five years of having so much done for me, I needed it.  After five years of Shinkansen rides combined with Michelin star lunches, a helper and kids that hopped on the bus at 7:00 and didn’t get off again til 4:00 - it was time to get back to reality.

The beauty of moving abroad is that you have the time and space to really get to know the true you.  To try out different versions to see which ones stick and which ones just don’t.  So coming back, it was important to be the most authentic version of myself, instead of slipping back into the pre-move me.  

That’s why we rented the U-haul, moved ourselves in and out, rolled up our sleeves and got it done.

That’s why we ripped out the carpet, the marmoleum, the slate floor with our own hands.

That’s why we painted our entire house as a family.  We wanted to push ourselves, feel physically exhausted and accomplished.  I also knew that painting would give me the time and space to work through what I had just experienced and come to terms with moving home. 

And now we are.  Home.  Every box unpacked.  A long list of things to do, but now our list looks like yours.  We did it.  We are on the other side and ready for our next.

So it is time to head back to work.  Because part of knowing yourself is knowing what makes you feel your best and work is part of that equation.  So, if you hear of an open position with great people, doing great work - know I am ready for my next adventure.